Donating to support our community
In January 2022, BGR's co-founders, Sarah Bardelli and Kieran Gubbins, took time out of their busy schedules to deliver and donate 800 Covid-19 protective masks to the Salvation Army, in Bells Corners Nepean.

BGR lights the fuse!
BGR lights the fuse across the globe!! with a feature article in the Tribuna Economica Journal.
Read the article on page 18, published August 2, 2021.

April 4 2022 - A Canadian and North American First!!
BGR North America is creating the first ever Canadian National Aerial Drone Mitigation Mesh. This will be accomplished by linking together 90 Air Traffic Controlled airports/aerodromes, all public/private airports, waterdromes, and heliports, across Canada. From St. John’s in the east, Iqaluit in the north, to Victoria in the west. And, will include an overarching mesh for our northern territories centered in Whitehorse, Yellowknife, and Iqaluit, to link with the mesh in southern Canada. The Mesh will provide protection against unauthorized and unlawful aerial drones from endangering the traveling public. It will also allow Canadian emergency services to simultaneously track several occurrences on an overlapping basis similar to the airline enroute controllers, in much greater detail by zooming into multiple areas, down to less than a meter in size.
May 2021 - BGRs CTO, Kieran Gubbins, was a guest speaker at ThingkFest 3.0 — Canada's Internet of Things Conversation in May, 2021. Kieran explains BGRs flagship product, TITAN The system of systems — a proven concept!
Both video's are under 5 minutes long and worth the watch.
Titan presented at ThingkFest 3.0 2021
by Kieran Gubbins
Titan explained in more detail
by Kieran Gubbins
Teaming Collisions event 2021
held by NSTXL